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Home / Decks / Mid / Troll Disco

Troll disco - boréal


Troll/Disco Troll is a typically black red or black red blue deck aiming to restrict your opponents early resources through the abusive actions of Sinkhole and/or Hymn to Tourach depending on the philosophy of the deckbuilder/pilot. Featuing heaps of burn it is also extremely effective at removing pesky threats and offering the ability to reach the end goal by putting the finishing touches on your opponents life totals after the consistent and self-protected beatings of the Sedge Troll itself. The resilience of the Troll is the biggest reason for this decks performance being so well respected and loved as its ability to regenerate itself forces your opponents to have very specific removal or a Moat-like effect. The ability to pop a Nevy's Disk or devastate the board with an Earthquake while protecting your Troll has high impact and can singlehandedly swing games in your favor. It is not to be underestimated the power of having 1 or even multiple trolls leftover on the board after completely nuking everything else.​

troll-disco (sebastien gaudreault).webp

It's more important to focus on how Troll decks in general can be built differently than focusing on this specific lists differences. The deck is capable of playing Disk both in the main or the side, can focus on earthquake in the same manor and can even be played in a shell splashing White instead of Blue. The diversity of the deck's potential, mixed with its consistency and power rating makes it a strong choice for nearly any meta. The fact that it can be built differently and still perform demands respect. Some variations can focus harder on Hymn to the point where you can slide in The Rack. Some variations can even focus their attention more on Counterspell than on Hymn to tourach for a more controlling route. Troll as an archetype is different than most Old School decks in this regard as it can maintain its identify while shifting its colors and card choices. 



The memory that always comes to mind when I think about my experiences with Troll comes from the 4th Iteration of the TWC. Sitting down in front of my opponent, we shook hands and wished each other good luck and fun times. I opened a hand of 7 featuing a troll and an earthquake. My opponent went first and played a merfolk, I had to force my smile back because the path of how that game would play out was alread laid out. Through the power of the Moxen (and a topdeck or two) I managed to push out two trolls back to back on turns 2 and 3. My ambitious opponent decided to empty their hand onto a board that featured only 1 Lord. His poor 2/2s had no chance vs my follow up Earthquake. Regenerating my two Trolls and leaving my opponent with no semblance of a board and seeing them with no cards in hand solidified my deep desires to maintain Earthquake as the superior mainboard card to Nevy's Disk as a companion to Sedge Troll!



Realistically avoid super fast aggro/burn, the cleaner control-burn matchup of UR Counterburn and cry when your opponents play a T1 plains or Tundra. Plow is the death of this deck, it is too efficient and gets around the benefits of the troll. Without the ability to regenerate, a conditional 3/3 for 3 is just not impressive.


source: Mark Seccareccia - Mtl Tundra Wolves​​

picture: @oldschoolmtg

Mark S.'s list

1 Guardian Beast

2 Juzam Djinn

4 Sedge Troll

1 Shivan Dragon



1 Ancestral Recall

1 Black Lotus

1 Braingeyser

1 Chaos Orb

3 Counterspell

1 Demonic Tutor

2 Fireball 

4 Lightning Bolt

1 Mana Drain

1 Mind Twist

1 Mox Jet

1 Mox Ruby

1 Mox Sapphire

4 Nevinyral's Disk

1 Recall

1 Sol Ring

1 Time Walk

1 Timetwister



4 Badlands

2 City of Brass

2 Island

1 Library of Alexandria

2 Maze of Ith

4 Mishra's factory

2 Strip Mine

4 Underground Sea

4 Volcanic Island

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